Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 2 Magic

Today we are to post an experience where we've achieved "magic" in the classroom.  I teach on a reservation and we are to follow the scripted curriculum at our school but a few times a year I pretend to follow it and stray a bit for things I think are important.  My students are 7th graders and were not around when 9/11 happened.  They are almost clueless to what it is all about so each year I do a mini lesson to clue them in.  I have a packet of background information we read the first day.  It is easy reading has some pictures etc.  Then I found a some short stories from students their age that attended school across the street from the towers and were there the day of the attack.  It gives them a first hand account of what it was like to be safe and sound in school and then suddenly be told to leave and have no way to get in touch with their parents or for them to reach their kids.  Many had to run for cover and witness the jumpers and wreckage first hand.  The stories go on to tell how it has affected them through out their lives.  My students can relate as these were kids their age and they really have some good discussions about what happened to them.  I finish the unit off with a video that does a great job of explaining and showing what went on.  Usually my students don't show much empathy so it is nice to see them realize what happened and why everyone else still remembers that day somberly.

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