Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 11 Parents

There are many ways we try to include parents in our district.  I personally use Remind with my parents and students for various things.  I also send home positive feedback notes when kids do great things.  I email progress reports home every weekend and have all sorts of conversations at Walmart with parents.  Our biggest problem is getting them to come to the school for anything whether it is open house or parent teacher conferences.  In fact I would say about 30% of them change their phone number on purpose so we can't call them or notify them.  We keep trying though and have gotten clever at getting numbers. 

I made a flyer in Smore I'm going to send out to all the parents we have an email address on and will print some hard copies for those that don't have an email.  Hopefully it will help with our abundance of tardies and kids who don't eat breakfast.

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