Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 19 Self-empowering

Every year during the weeks leading up to our state test we have an educational "consultant" come evaluate us.  She started around 10 years ago because our school in the valley didn't get a passing "grade" on their test.  Even though the junior high has always done the best in the district, we still had the pleasure of her presence.  During this time, for the first time all year, our teaching isn't scripted for us and we get to determine what is taught.  Most of us try to get in as much reviewing as we can.

  The last few years over 90% of my reading students have passed the test.  But because of our esteemed consultant visiting each year, I often still feel like I'm a fraud and not doing a good job because I don't do things her way.  I will be honest, I don't drop what I am teaching and pull out a new lesson to show off for her like most do, but frankly I think it is more important to get my kids ready for what's ahead than putting on a show.  (And apparently what I'm doing is working)  But every year she complains about me. 

So for my self-empowering activity I am going to try something to erase all her negative criticism.  I'm also going to include my students in it.  I have students keep journals weekdays and I am going to start doing their Friday topics right along with them.  Each Friday I have them list 3 things they are proud of or good deeds they have done.  Since I am going to be doing it too I am going to share mine with them and let them share theirs if they want to.  Maybe if we all share our successes we will start believing in them.

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