Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 15 Risk

So we are in week two of testing and there isn't much I could take a risk on... except doing something that I'd lose my certificate for. lol  I have been playing with an idea of including some projects for our reading material this quarter.  I started a sample with this word picture from  It is still a work in progress but it is a start.  I'm planning on giving them several choices so they can choose something they are comfortable with.  I am terrible at artistic stuff so this is how I compensate.  The last time I did a big project like this 2 years ago 3 out of 35 students actually did it.  The rest were okay with an "F".  We have a lot of apathy here on the reservation so I was reluctant to try again but I am a risk taker today so I am going to give it another shot. 

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